What will I learn?

During the course, you will work in a small group on a project that addresses a community need or opportunity. Past LBMC projects include community events supporting the arts, literacy, and community health; strategic plans for nonprofit organizations; youth education initiatives; and infrastructure improvements. If you’ve heard of Jordy the CASA Courthouse dog, the Boys and Girls Club of Ellettsville, the New Philanthropists, or B is for Bloomington, you are familiar with a LBMC project. The projects are group-directed and fostered throughout the program.

You will learn leadership skills directly applicable to both your career and your community involvement as you interact with local experts and your classmates. The “classroom” is the community itself, and the instructors are IU faculty members and business, not-for-profit, and government leaders who place local issues into context. Through interactive learning, you will acquire specific leadership skills, such as effective listening, problem solving, team building, and networking. Each session takes place at a site related to the day’s topic. Topics focus on aspects of community life: economic foundations, education, government, healthcare, and media communication, among others.

2024–25 Schedule

The class sessions will be on Thursday mornings. The doors open at 8 a.m., and all sessions run from 8:30 – noon, unless otherwise noted.

Date Topic
Oct. 24 Orientation (all day Thursday, mandatory session)
Oct. 31 Rediscover Your Community
Nov. 8 Group Dynamics and Project Team Selection (mandatory session)
Nov. 21 Strength Based Teams and Social Services
Dec. 5 Project Management
Dec. 19 Ethics in Leadership
Jan. 9 Community Communications
Jan. 23 Economic Development
Feb. 6 Community Health and Education
Feb. 20 Local Government
Mar. 6 Difficult Conversations
Mar. 13 Leadership and Intercultural Communication
Mar. 27 Change Management
Apr. 3 Held for snow day (make-up session if needed)
Apr. 10 Project Presentations (mandatory session)
Apr. 17 Graduation Ceremony and Dinner

Interested in getting involved or want to learn more?